
Monday, October 26, 2009

A little bit different

This last week was kind of interesting. I don't even want to admit what games I played. I will start out with a little bit of justification. On Tuesday I had to take my wife to the doctor because she was sick. The doctor made her miss work all week. On wednesday I started feeling sick. I missed a couple days of work and we just relaxed all week. And finally my sisters play this really kind of pathetic in my opinion game called Evony. And my wife is always talking on the phone to my sisters cause they live all over the country. Soo.... I got sucked into this Evony game because of all the downtime that we had last week. It's like a real-time strategy game kind of like civilization or for me its kind of like Warcraft(not world of warcraft, that's very different). You start out with a small village and you have to build cottages to for your villagers to live in and you have to create farms so they can have food and jobs. And then you have mines and lumbermills and all kinds of things like that to build buildings and to make your village larger. And then when you get more into it you can build armies and form alliances and attack other villages. And then to top it off it actually takes a long time to build things. to start out it's between 5-15 minutes. but after a while it can take around 57 hours to build or upgrade a building. It didn't take my long to get sick of it. I almost went out and bought Warcraft 3 again so I could have something else to play. I also got to play some more Super Paper Mario which is still very amazing! It was definitely an interesting week in video games though...


  1. That sounds awful... I guess a person could always read or work on homework while they were waiting, but part of the appeal of video games is that it's supposed to be a fun a way to while away time, not yet another thing to have to wait on. I really like games that have the option to speed up/slow down game time as needed.

  2. I hope you've read my post on Evony. It's a sad, sad game... made even worse by how people justify playing it: they say it's better than playing something consistently because you can just check it every once in a while. That's a horrible excuse. My friends who are addicted to Evony end up just staring at their screen, looking at other players' cities while they wait for their buildings to finish. Evony, I think, has achieved the final zombification of its player base.

  3. I really don't like games that make you have to wait, especially when I have so little time to play video games as it is! I understand that a person who is bored out of their mind wouldn't mind waiting, but I think most of us are just too busy.

    The best village-building strategy game of all time: Age of Empires! Have you played that game? It is extremely addicting and fun. You have the option to increase the game speed, so waiting for things to build isn't really a problem.
