
Tuesday, December 8, 2009


So the last couple of weeks we thought we had a little bit more free time than we actually did. Soo.... we decided to play the legend of zelda the twilight princess. this game is absolutely amazing. we blew through the batteries in the wiimote like 5 times. it was pretty ridiculous. we actually havent been able to play for a couple of days because we dont have anymore batteries in our house. we used them out of all the remote controls. It's a very good game. There's not much to say about it. Playing is link is amazing. playing as the wolf is amazing. twilight realm rocks. wii controls are brilliant. and the story is great. its an awesome game. It's been a lot of fun playing it again.

Monday, November 23, 2009


So this week i took a trip down memory lane. To start off I beat the game uncharted which was one of the best games I've played in the ps3. but after i beat that i needed something else to play because of my lack of uncharted. So I decided to play Resident Evil 4. This was one of the top five games I played on the gamecube. The graphics were amazing, the story was unbelievable, and the suspense kept me always on my toes the entire game. This time around I am playing it on the wii with the wii controls. It is still amazing. The controls are a little different then average third person over the shoulder of today. There is no shooting while running. You walk and turn with the same control stick. and to change weapons you have to go into your attache case and choose a new weapon which takes a little time. But for some reason its still worth it. They did something right when creating this game. and then again when porting it to the wii.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

So I had a very busy week this week. Lot's of homework. Work every day. An all day wedding of friday. This means that i dont have very much time to do anything except those things that i had planned and homework. actually it meant that i played a lot of video games despite my lack of time. It all started on tuesday when i decided to put uncharted in the ps3 for a spin because i needed a little break before work. this turned into playing uncharted at every free moment. That game is revolutionary. This is amazing considering it was one of the first titles released on the ps3. It kind of makes me depressed that i hadn't played it until now. I am extremely excited for the second one now. I decided that uncharted is a perfect mix of Metal Gear Solid (which is an amazing franchise btw) and Prince of persia (also amazing). This is very humorous to me because after i told this to my friend he told me the the voice of drake is the voice of the prince in prince of persia. I will probably beat this game this week though.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Wii play

This week i borrowed the game wii play from my brother. I hadn't played this game in probably 2 years but i was so excited to get to play it again. When i finally got it into my wii (every time i turned my wii on and saw super paper mario in i couldnt take it out...) I dragged my wife in the room to play with me because i have never met someone who doesnt like wii play. And she loved it. Some of our favorites for the evening are the fishing, the tanks, and the cow racing. Cow racing only made the list because of the sound that the cows make when they jump and how they wiggle their feet. It was definitely a fun time. Great game for anyone with a wii.

Monday, November 2, 2009

yet another slow week...

I honestly didn't play any video games this week as far as I remember. I might have played Super Paper Mario for about 20 minutes one night but I don't remember if I really did. I feel like just a few words should be enough for this week though. Those words are God of War III. I found out yesterday that if you reserve this up and coming title (which I already have) then you get a code to download the demo for this game which is going to be released in early 2010. I am going to be picking up my code today on my to work and I will be playing it immediately after work. This is probably the game that I am most excited for that is coming out in the next year.

Monday, October 26, 2009

A little bit different

This last week was kind of interesting. I don't even want to admit what games I played. I will start out with a little bit of justification. On Tuesday I had to take my wife to the doctor because she was sick. The doctor made her miss work all week. On wednesday I started feeling sick. I missed a couple days of work and we just relaxed all week. And finally my sisters play this really kind of pathetic in my opinion game called Evony. And my wife is always talking on the phone to my sisters cause they live all over the country. Soo.... I got sucked into this Evony game because of all the downtime that we had last week. It's like a real-time strategy game kind of like civilization or for me its kind of like Warcraft(not world of warcraft, that's very different). You start out with a small village and you have to build cottages to for your villagers to live in and you have to create farms so they can have food and jobs. And then you have mines and lumbermills and all kinds of things like that to build buildings and to make your village larger. And then when you get more into it you can build armies and form alliances and attack other villages. And then to top it off it actually takes a long time to build things. to start out it's between 5-15 minutes. but after a while it can take around 57 hours to build or upgrade a building. It didn't take my long to get sick of it. I almost went out and bought Warcraft 3 again so I could have something else to play. I also got to play some more Super Paper Mario which is still very amazing! It was definitely an interesting week in video games though...

Monday, October 19, 2009

Fall Break

So I had a goal for fall break. To beat three games. I didn't even get to beat one. I'm pretty pathetic I know. I did however get to start a game that I've been dying to play for quite a while. It's called. Uncharted: Drakes Fortune. It's about a guy named Drake who is a treasure hunter and Sir Francis Drake is one of his ancestors. During his travels a finds a map to El Dorado which leads him on his next adventure. Unfortunately on the way to the island his plane gets shot down and the lady he's with gets lost in the jungle. He goes in search of her and slowly starts discovering things about the island he's on. I think I'm about a third of the way through the game. It is seriously very amazing. I'm excited to finish it up and continue on to the sequel that was released this last week. Even though I didn't meet my goal I did get to spend some time on a great game!

Sunday, October 4, 2009


So this week I started playing the game Super Paper Mario. This is a game that i have been waiting to play for about a year. Its part of a series (if you can call it that) of Mario games that are all role playing games more than platformers like a normal mario game. It started with Mario and the legend of the seven stars on the super nintendo and has had games on nintendo 64 gamecube gameboy advance and ds and now its on the wii. This game is kind of revolutionary though because it combines the RPG elements in the other games with the platform elements in the original mario games. It also takes the sidescroll elements from the other paper mario games and adds an element of 3D where you can move the camera around mario and see things that you wouldn't normally be able to see (very cool). I just started it on friday and beat the first world today so I'm not that far into it, but so far there is a lot of potential for an awesome game. In the game it starts out with Bowser kidnapping the princess and trying to marry her when someone pops out of another dimension and kidnaps the whole lot of them including Luigi and Bowsers whole army of Minions. The only only left behind is Mario who sets off on an adventure to rescue the princess and Luigi. Shortway in on his quest mario finds out that he is actually the legendary hero who was predestined hundreds of years ago to save a bunch of worlds in a bunch of different directions. One of my favorite parts of the game as with all Mario RPG's is the humor. In this game they take a lot of things from classic RPG's to kind of poke fun at them like the intense dialog and things like that. I find it very humorous. It's a great game so far and I'm excited to see how it ends up being the more I get into it.

Monday, September 28, 2009

This weeks game of choice was an old classic called super mario galaxy. I beat this game for the first time about a year ago. I'm still playing God of War with my wife and a few other things but this last week i got really swamped with homework and needed to play something to wind down on a few occasions. My first two games that i went to (which were Little Big Planet and Warhawk) had mysteriously disappeared, which was very disappointing. So I decided on mario galaxy because I had been wanting to beat it again for a while.

Mario galaxy is a really great game. I am constantly blown away by the guys at Nintendo that can still come up with ideas like these. It is very much like mario 64 and mario sunshine in that you go to different areas in the game and collect stars and as you collect more and more stars new areas open up that get more difficult as the game goes on. But somehow they manage to do something great and different in each game. In this game the princess gets kidnapped by bowser on his starship and taken to the center of the universe. Now its marios job yet again to find a way to get her back. This time mario is hopping around on different planets ranging from the size of a house to the size of a golf course.

Currently my favorite thing about the game is the gravity. It is really amazing how they have done it. Each planet has its own gravity and mario can walk all the way around it. He can also jump really high and if he gets close enough to another planet he will get caught in its gravity and be pulled toward it. It is really cool and really hard to explain, but very fun to experience. I say good job Nintendo on this game. It's very amazing. I am looking forward to the sequel Super Mario Galaxy 2 that is coming out next year.

Monday, September 21, 2009


This week was a little different then normal. I had a trip planned to go to yellowstone with my in-laws so I wasn't able to spend a lot of time playing video games. None actually, due to the amount of time i spent working on homework so that I would be caught up when i got home. So in the car on the way to yellowstone i pulled out my DS and instead of playing Zelda phantom hourglass like i was planning i put in professor layton and the curious village which i started over a year ago and had yet to finish. And 7 and a half hours later I finished it. Professor Layton is a fabulous game. Layton is hired by lady Dahlia who is the late wife of Baron Reinhold. He is hired to solve the mystery of the golden apple because the baron said that whoever solves the mystery would inherit his fortune. Its a great game with plenty of twists for those seeking a great story. The part of the game which i enjoyed most is the gameplay. Its set up as a point and click game and how you progress is solving puzzles for the citizens of the town. Its a wonderful idea that I feel is executed very well. Hopefully I'll be able to finish phantom hourglass now though..

Monday, September 14, 2009

So this past week i spent a lot of time (a lot being relative to the time i wasn't doing homework) playing the game God of War. I've already beat this game once before but I'm currently playing it again because it is my wife's favorite game ever probably. Last time i was beating it she came in at the final boss and watched me beat that and immediately made me tell her the full story of this game while driving to the video game store to purchase the sequel. Needless to say its a great game which after beating almost the whole game for the second time I think it has great replay value.

In the game you play as a fictional character named Kratos in ancient Athens. Though out the game you learn about Kratos past as a leader of the Spartan army and how he asked Ares, the God of War, to save them in their time of need. In Return Kratos would owe his soul to Ares.

After a while Kratos decides that he is done owing his soul to Ares because of all the Evil things that Ares is doing so he sets off on a quest to bring him down and kill him. The game starts out on a ship to athens. When Kratos arrives he learns of a weapon that can kill even the gods but it is hidden in the temple of pandora. So he sets out on his adventure to the desert to find the temple of pandora which rides upon the back of one of the titans.

It's a great game. I'm hoping to finish it sometime this week. The third game is going to be released in early 2010 and so we want to beat this one and the second again before it comes out. I'll keep you updated as i play these two wonderful games.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Week 1

For this weeks blog i am going to be talking mostly about the game Bioshock. It's a game about a guy who was in a plane crash and ended up on this tiny man-made island that is only just like a statue in the middle of the ocean. On the island he gets in an elevator that takes him down to this huge under water city called Rapture city. It is a beautiful game. I played it on the ps3.

In the last part of the game there was a series of twists that totally blew my mind. The people that you thought were good ended up being bad and the ones that you thought were bad ended up even worse (or sometimes not so bad). It was pretty crazy though. I don't want to say too much because I don't want to spoil the ending for people who are going to play the game. There is also part of the game where you can make a choice that kind of continues with you throughout the game. I am very excited to play this game again because the choice that I made was really cool, so I want to see what happens if you choose to go the other way.

All in all Bioshock was an amazing game! The team that made it also made another game called Fallout that I am going to start playing soon. I am looking forward to that. Right now I started playing God of War again which is also an amazing game. Ill try to write about that next week, or Metroid Prime 3 for the Wii.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


This is my first time blogging. It is for an assignment for an awesome writing class that i am taking called writing for new media. I will mostly be blogging about video games. Kind of like an online journal. I currently play wii, ds, ps3 and psp. I will write about what happens in each game after i play it. I hope that it is of some interest to everyone. Please comment if you have questions or recommendations for anything you want me to write about. Enjoy.